Wednesday, December 22, 2010


12:04 a.m. Unknown Emergency at Intervale Street apartment. Caller reports a female in another apartment has been crying and screaming for hours and states she keeps saying "NO" and caller believes the female is being thrown against the walls and there is a small baby in the apartment. Holden Depina, 26, of Brockton was charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and trespassing.

12:26 a.m. Domestic violence call on Oak Ridge Drive. Michael Stephen Wold-Grover, 27, of Brockton was charged with assault and battery and malicious destruction of property under $250.

5:35 a.m. B&E motor vehicle on Market Street. Caller states someone broke into car and stole registration, CD's and change.

7:30 a.m. B&E motor vehicle on Ellis Street. Over $4000 of copper stolen from work van.

11:19 a.m. Disturbance at Brockton High School, 470 Forest Ave. Juvenile arrest of a 16-year-old for disturbing school.

11:56 a.m. Hit & run in progress at the Best Gas, 899 Belmont St. Female in a gray Dodge just fled without paying for $45 worth of gas and struck a car on the way out and she fled on Belmont Street and headed into the city.

1:06 p.m. Medical emergency from the BB Russell School. Daughter was sent home from school for taking a bunch of pills with other girls at school. Ambulance was sent to Battles Street because the girl was sleepy and one of the other youths were already taken to the hospital. 15-year-old who goes to BB Russell School said she took medication from another female. School police will complete a follow up. Student taken to Brockton Hospital ER.

5:04 p.m. Malicious damage to motor vehicle on Salisbury Street. Caller’s car was keyed.

8:00 p.m. Robbery at the Subway at 768 Belmont St. White male about 6'1 and 20-years-old gave a note that said he had a gun and he wanted all the money. Wearing black jacket with fur around the hood, small mustache, blue jeans and red baseball cap. He fled toward Brockton High School.

9:49 p.m. Robbery on Denton Street. Police report taken and narrative says delivery guy. In the vicinity of 86 Denton Street.

11:55 p.m. Assault and battery in progress at the Elmcourt Hotel, 33 West Elm St. Front desk reports a male and female are fighting inside one of the rooms. Eric Nils Haraldstad, 44, of Carver was charged with threatening to commit a crime and assault.

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