Thursday, December 1, 2011


1:21 a.m. Police officer has a prisoner. 210 N. Main & 1 Rosseter St. Joy Wilson, 29, of 83 N. Main St., Apt. 47, Brockton was arrested and charged with sexual conduct for a fee and default warrant.

8:33 a.m. B&E attempted. 83 Upland Road. Caller states that 4 neighborhood kids tried to break into her home this morning while caller was at work. Caller’s mother was home and could hear them trying to break the window to get in. When they saw caller’s mother they took off running.

10:34 a.m. Larceny/forgery/fraud. 402 Chatham West Dr. James Puopolo, (birth date unavailable in report), 54 N. Main St., Brockton was charged with larceny over $250, forgery of check and utter false check.

12:30 p.m. Unwanted guest disturbance. Lynch’s Towing, 210 N. Carey St. Male party is allegedly arguing with worker and refusing to leave. Second call from the other party states his car was allegedly scratched and wants a report. Selem Termine, 47, of 27 Cleveland Ave., Apt. 1, Brockton was charged with assault.

12:44 p.m. B&E in progress. 137 Hillberg Ave. Back and side door are open and basement window was kicked in. Unknown if anyone still inside. Caller and his wife are standing in driveway.

1:55 p.m. B&E in progress. 140 Lawrence St. See caller at front of house in blue van. Someone broke into caller’s house. Unknown if someone is still inside. Requests a car for walk through with caller.

2:55 p.m. Narcotics investigation. 7 Mystic St. Caller states she just entered the home of her recently deceased aunt and has found needles and crack cocaine all over the place. Police report no drugs, but a bunch of needles. Aided family in securing home and disposing of needles.

6:01 p.m. B&E investigate. 26 Kingman St., Apt. 1. Entry through bedroom window. Xbox and watches missing.

7:21 p.m. Fire, structure. 45 Battles Farm Dr. Kitchen fire. Brockton FD responding. No damage. Minor candle fire.

8:11 p.m. Gunshots call. 64 Winthrop St., Apt. 2. Caller reports boyfriend, 19-year-old Brent Wilmot just got shot. Fire en route. Victim states he was just shot in the leg by 3 males who were wearing masks. They fled on foot toward Main St.

10:02 p.m. B&E investigate. 26 Kingman St., Apt. 2. BCI reports that while at above location, on 1st, and second floor tenants report B&E. Entry through kicked in door and bedroom door. PlayStation and approximately $500 taken.

10:27 p.m. Police officer has a prisoner. 40 Mulberry St. Brenda A. Rivera, 25, of 33 W. Elm St., Apt. 37, Brockton was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.

10:36 p.m. Police officer has a prisoner. 1 River St. & 40 Emmet St. Jeanine Daley, 37, of 10 Marshall Road, Easton was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.

11:00 p.m. M/V stop. 235 E. Ashland St. Arrests made. Levar Robinson, 34, of 61 Wyman St., Brockton was charged with violation of abuse prevention order. Sarah Marie Blades, 30, of 62 Stillman Ave., Brockton was charged with unregistered M/V, uninsured M/V, and attaching plate to M/V.

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